
Kamis, Juni 07, 2018

Visit ~ My ~ NEW ~ Blog ~

Hai semua... ~ ~ ~

Blog ini udah lama gak aku update. SARANG LABA-LABA dan JELAGA di mana-mana. Aku tercengang melihat ikhtisar statistik: ternyata masih ada yang mengunjungi blog lamaku ini, bahkan lebih banyak daripada blog baruku. Lumayan signifikan bedanya. Jadi sedih sama blog baruku... T_T

Yang lebih mengejutkan adalah: ini blog zaman remajaku. Ternyata masih ada yang mau baca tulisanku zaman SMA. Dulu aku merasa, tulisan-tulisanku di blog-ku itu ya bagus. Tapi pas kutengok blog ini di pertengahan kuliah, baru nyadarlah kalau posts ku buruk rupa semua  :D 

Gak berarti tulisanku di blog baru bagus sih, tapi ya udah gak terlalu remaja lagi aja bau-baunya. Melankolis, ya. Filosofis, nggak sih. Mendalam, ya bisa jadi. Cekidot aja~ Yang jelas, ada banyak hal baru yang bakal kalian temukan. Bahasa Inggrisnya masih salah-salah, tapi udah mendingan daripada zaman SMA  :D  dan ada tambahan bahasa baru yaitu Bahasa Jerman. Kejutan deh... cek aja... Asyik pokoknya!

Ini dia alamat baru blog-ku:

https://nocheingeschreibsel.blogspot.com/ ~

Selamat membaca...!

~English Version~

Hi guys, this is my old blog. I used it when I was a teenager, an imaginative high school student. Now I have a new blog. Please visit the new one: https://nocheingeschreibsel.blogspot.com/

I was surprised that people still visit this old blog of mine. Even the statistic shows a significant amount of viewer than my very own new blog. That's so sad. Moreover when I realized that the posts were bad writing teenage posts. Well I don't mean that my writings in the new one are much better, especially the English posts :D but obviously, it's no more adolescent. It all is a lil bit more deeper, a lil bit more thoughtful, a lil bit more funny, melancholic as usual and, well, a lil bit more foolish. 

Just check it out! And have fun...!~

See you in the "Noch-Ein-Geschreibsel-Blog" :* xoxo

Me in my high school time. I don't know why did I put this image.

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